LBCC Historical (LBC)

  • Derived from a 1653 recipe for "tooth powder," this modern take was created to naturally and safely protect your teeth and gums. Boasts teeth-whitening, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and breath-freshening properties.

    Materials: rose, lemon, sage, nutmeg, clove

    To Use: Dampen your tooth brush, tap the bristles into the powder and brush away!

  • This silky powder delivers a flawless, soft matte finish.  Original tinting recipe from 1931. This original recipe face powder keeps skin free of shine. Ingredients: Organic Wheat Starch, Rice Powder, Magnesium Carbonate, Carmine, Essential Oil
  • In 1893, Tiemann and Kruger discovered a way to successfully synthesize and enhance the sweet, woody, floral aroma of the violet.  This recipe is a recreation of a very popular 20th century Violet Toilet Water and is best suited for scenting and freshening rooms and linens. Materials: Violet Oil, Water, Alcohol


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