By blending journal entries with spells that help you manifest the best version of yourself, Spellcraft is the perfect living grimoire for a new witch. Anyone can follow a recipe for a spell, but with Spellcraft , your practice becomes exclusively yours.
White magic spells for 28 cleansing rituals and enchantments are accompanied by 3-5 prompts to encourage personal development. A section on spell building to hone your craft outlines the important aspects (crystals, moon phases, incense, or other magnifying components) of making magic. Learn how to make wishes come true and complete rootwork that will help you grow taller and wiser. Maintain your practice with spells and journal prompts revolving around the Wheel of the Year , a cycle of pagan holidays (such as Yule and Ostara) that follow the seasons and revolve around equinoxes and solstices.
Light up the magic that is already inside of you. Choose happiness and then bring it into the world.